Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) a potent disease fighting herb
Parsley is a nutrient powerhouse containing high levels of beta carotene, vitamin B12, folate, chlorophyll, calcium, more vitamin C than citrus fruits, and just about all other known nutrients. Parsley is a moistening, nourishing, restoring, ‘warming’ food, pungent with a slightly bitter, salty flavor. It enhances and stimulates the energy of organs, improving their ability to assimilate and utilize nutrients.
Parsley is also rich in vitamins A and C. Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant as well as an anti-inflammatory substance. It is necessary for a healthy immune system and can help prevent colds and ear infections. Vitamin A is well-known for its effects on vision, plus can mitigate risks of atherosclerosis and diabetes. Parsley is also a source of folic acid, another vitamin that helps reduce cancer risk and atherosclerosis.
· Raw parsley cleanses the blood, keeping it clean
· It can lessen the deposits left on the veins
· Parsley allows the elasticity of the blood vessels to stay the way they are
Parsley also helps with:
· Anemia: Builds up the blood because it is high in iron. The high vitamin C content assists the absorption of iron.
· Antioxidant: Increases the anti-oxidant capacity of the blood.
· Bactericidal (kills bacteria)
· Gallstones: Helps dissolve them.
· Gout
· Kidneys: Parsley is effective for nearly all kidney and urinary complaints except severe kidney inflammation. It improves kidney activity and can help eliminate wastes from the blood and tissues of the kidneys. It prevents salt from being reabsorbed into the body tissues; thus parsley literally forces debris out of the kidneys, liver and bladder. It helps improve edema and general water retention, fatigue and scanty or painful urination.
· Menstrual pain
· Iron: The iron content of parsley is exceptional with 5.5mg per100g (4oz). A half-cup of fresh parsley or one tablespoon dried has about 10 percent of your iron daily requirements. Plus, parsley has the vitamin C your body needs to absorb that iron.
· Vitamin B12: Parsley contains traces of B12 producing compounds. Such compounds are needed for the formation of red blood cells and normal cell growth, important for fertility, pregnancy, immunity and the prevention of degenerative illness. The action of vitamin B12, however, is inhibited by birth control pills, antibiotics, intoxicants, stress, sluggish liver, and excess bacteria or parasites in the colon or digestive tracts. Parsley helps to counteract these inhibitors.